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Serving Denver, CO, and Surrounding Areas


Canine Psychology Center LLC Testimonials

- Years of Experience
- Locally Owned

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Read what my happy clients have to say!

"I'm noticing major changes in Charlie's behavior just by being slightly more aware of mine and trying to be a stronger pack leader for him! The pinch collar you recommended (and provided training on) is making a huge difference. I'm able to get his attention and have him focus on me when he sees someone he is threatened by."

"Yesterday a homeless drunk was stumbling down the sidewalk toward us (this would normally terrify him and completely divert his attention). Charlie started to growl but then listened to me when I used the chain, told him to sit and put myself between him and the man. Usually I would have to drag him away with no attention on me whatsoever. Good signs!"

- From Katie with "Charlie"  | September 2015

"Hey Suzi, Just wanted to say that hands down I am the happiest dog owner on the face of the planet at this very moment! I took Sadie to PetCo to get some stuff and I finally decided to test out our skills by taking her in with me... I have not had her in a place like that in months and she did Awesome!! Definitely still corrections, but holy crap, for the most part she heeled and waited for me while I shopped. I actually had her sitting next to me while I picked out which treats to get."

"There were still moments when she wanted to see other dogs, etc, the usual distractions for a nose like hers, but holy crap! I was already meaning to thank you for showing me how to be a better handler, since I think on a daily basis about how I feel like I have a different dog than the one I started out with - like some little lovely gremlin came in during the night and switched her out, but I know its just consistent work that has done this."

"If you ever would like a testimonial please feel free to ask -- I am happy to write one (and I'll keep the profanity out of it :)"

- Isabel | May 2010

"Hi Suzi, I just wanted to say thank you for the work you put into Marley this past month. I am totally taken aback by how different he is. He is so calm! He doesn't bark or jump around when we get home. He lays on his bed and lets me walk throughout the house doing chores without following me everywhere. He doesn't even whine really when a guest is over and we're all talking in the kitchen and he's in his kennel!"

"I can't say enough about how effective this has been. I didn't even realize what a problem we had until now, having everything so different."

- Alicia with "Marley" | July 2014

"We are the Pierce’s and proudly own 3 Boston Terriers. My husband has been a dog owner most of his life. I, however, am relatively new to dog ownership, and I believe that is a big reason behind why we came to seek out Suzi’s services at CPC."

"When you are like our family, and have 3 dogs together in one home, you have a pack. And having a pack especially means that you need to have developed some pretty strong leadership skills. Otherwise, a dog like our youngest, Joey, can literally take over your household. On August 1 of 2013, our lives changed forever. I was sitting on the couch near Joey, who was leashed to the piano. Suddenly 2 or 3 things happened simultaneously including the phone ringing, loud noises outside, and noise from the TV that was louder than usual. I stood up to go and answer the phone and discovered my leg had become tangled in Joey’s leash. As I bent down to try to untangle it, Joey was spooked and must have thought I was coming towards him in an aggressive manner. So he attacked me. I was fairly trapped, and it took me time to get untangled and away from this scared dog, who was defending his territory. By that time, I had over 12 bites and was traumatized. It took me a good while to finally admit that most of the problems with Joey came from the fact that he needed stronger pack leaders."

"Amidst suggestions from many people that we put Joey down, I realized that euthanizing Joey would not solve the dog issues in our home. I truly have no idea how I found Suzi, but once I got to her website and then talked to her over the phone, I knew that Joey and I could get another chance together. My husband also felt the same way, after talking with Suzi."

"Joey lived at CPC as part of Suzi’s Board and Train program. I cannot tell you how much that training has helped Joey, and given us the skills we need to be strong pack leaders. Through Joey's training, and our continued participation in classes at the center with Joey once he came back home, we have slowly turned around our whole approach to leading, living with and loving our dogs. The support materials are so valuable as well and we share them with others. While we still have a long way to go, we are so much more equipped to deal with our 3 dogs as the leaders that they truly need and seek. Our only regret is that we live about 2 hours from The Center, so we can’t attend as many classes as we’d like. Suzi is the best. She loves dogs and is a wonderful trainer for them, as well as for the owners. Her training works if you make the commitment to follow her guidelines. Your dog is looking for you to lead him. Suzi can help you to be that leader."

"We can truly say that Suzi and CPC are very necessary parts of our lives and she has changed us and our household forever for the better. She is a remarkable lady. We hope you make the choice to use her services. You won’t be sorry. We aren’t."

- Jerry and Leatha Pierce | March 2014

"We are the Hill family and our dog, Gunner, is a 6 year old, pure bred, Black Labrador Retriever. Ever since around 2 years of age, Gunner has had a lot of dominance issues. Some examples are: being very territorial of our house and yard and being food/toy possessive with other dogs. After Gunner bit me in the hand while I was trying to remove a stick from his mouth, we decided that we needed some real help and we sent him to Suzi. We were unsure as to what real progress could be made with an adult dog that has had a lifetime to form habits, but we sent him off, hopeful this training could work. We found out, as you will too, that the majority of the work is for the humans. We had to learn to completely change how we interact with a dog that we've owned for over 6 years."

"Gunner spent 2 months with Suzi; we live 4 hours away and aren't able to make it over the mountains for regular training classes, so she kept him a little longer than most dogs that attend the boarding school program. We went over last weekend to get him and bring him home. We were shocked to see Gunner's mannerisms; he came out of the kennel area a calm, stable canine! He did not even notice or pay attention to us at first. It was obvious that the time he spent at her place taught him that he does not need to be in control of situations and that he needs to let the humans take over....which was one of our biggest mistakes from the beginning."

"We have had him back home for 1 week now and it is amazing to see the difference in how Gunner is now versus how he used to be. He listens to us and obeys commands, he is content to hang out in his kennel now and he pretty much ignores the annoying, ferocious dog in the yard behind us. In the past, Gunner has always seen this dog as a threat. He is so much calmer than he has ever been. He has learned to let us run the show! There are certain things he tries to get away with, but we are on his case and are right there to correct him when necessary, as well as praise/reward him when he makes the correct decisions."

"We are very pleased with the progress we all have made on this journey! Thank you, Suzi, for all of your hard work with Gunner and for transforming us into the dog owners we should be."

"We fully recommend Suzi and her training programs!"

"As of 5/31/16 - "Gunner" was sadly euthanized last week, due to health complications. He will be dearly missed by all that loved him….including me!"

- The Hills | August 2013

"We're Luisa and Cameron, from New York City, NY. I sent my White German Shepherd, Nala, to Suzi after Nala bit one of her dog-walkers. She had shown some signs of aggression before, mostly towards other dogs, but since she was so sweet "most of the time," it took something drastic like biting a human for us to make the decision. I sent Nala off with a heavy heart but full of hope. Suzi's updates were honest but gave me hope. Nala seemed to be responding great to her new lifestyle. A lot of stuff to work on, but it looked like, eventually, she would be fine. I'll come back to the "eventually" in a moment. "

"Cut to six weeks later. My mother and I flew over to Colorado. As soon as we entered Suzi's home and she brought out Nala, we could see the difference. Suzi told us how to react and Nala looked like another dog. After six weeks of not seeing me, she was obviously happy to see me, but she was quiet (she was never barky in the past, but she whined a lot). It took a few moments for her to absolutely calm down - one of the conditions for her, I learned, to be able to approach me - before I could greet her."

"Nala is now a different dog. Calm, submissive, sweet, more trusting of people and animals. However, and I can't stress this enough, Suzi lays foundations but 90% of the work is at home, once the dog is back. Suzi's rules seem overwhelming at first but, you will be surprised to learn, are easily adaptable to. I train Nala every single day, some days more then others, of course. But keeping her mind busy is as important, or more, even, then keeping her body tired."

"I strongly recommend Suzi's training!! Two thumbs up!!"

- Luisa Parnes | September 2012

"Hey you guys, What a GREAT photo of the two of you! You are TOO beautiful, Suzi, as ever! One LUCKY guy that James....I wish you could 'beam' over TOO ! Boy howdy I do!! We are doing great and have bought a second home in Phoenix....a small condo in the heart of the city, but it is in a green belt surrounded by parks and a Japanese garden. Koa and I plan to drive on the 24th of this month and spend the winter; maybe not return to Colfax, WA, until June or July. Life is TOO short to be miserable in the cold, as I am come winter!"

"Now that my mom is gone, there is nothing to hold me here. Three months in summer is the good part of the year, with our wheat harvest etc., so we will return home then. We will have lots of time to practice all we learned at Suzi's Camp in the big city. I did send a photo. It is not the best, but all I have....maybe that is one for the "to do" list....a professional photo of the kid and me. Koa even travels in the car safely, with a seat harness, and no more whining!"
"We think of you often, and I am VERY serious, I hope you are still open for business, to start training a new puppy, when the time comes. Be sure and let us know when your new WEBSITE is up and running so we can take a peek!! Thanks for remembering us....we think of you often....every time I drop the leash a bit or move my foot across in front of Koa when people approach...you are ALWAYS with us!"

- Jo n' Koa | September 2012

"When we first adopted Sigmund Floyd (Siggie) from a rescue site for Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, he came to us as an anxious, frightened, and insecure pup. At approximately one year of age, abandoned and found in a Texas parking lot, we could understand why his past history might have led to multiple behavioral issues. He displayed severe separation anxiety and could create so much damage when in this state. Some of the things we went through with Sigmund: He ate through my seatbelts when I left him in the car for 5 minutes. He injured and then re-injured his “happy tail” over and over again to the point where it required amputation. Urinating and defecating his kennel was a constant struggle every time my husband and I would leave our home."

"We tried using our 'common sense' in utilizing various training techniques. I’m a psychologist, so I figured implementing behavioral strategies, such as reward and punishment tactics, would be a cinch and eventually his behavior would turn around. I was wrong! Quickly we began to figure out that it was difficult to effectively administer these rewards/punishments and that we were also not enjoying having a dog. We were exhausted and frustrated with our inability to properly control his behavior. One day when I arrived home to find Siggie had broken out of his third kennel (yes, really!) and my house looked as though an 80’s rock band had an all-night party, I had had enough! Ceci, a friend at work told me about Suzi. I remember asking if she was a 'good trainer.' My friend said, 'She’s superior' and she wasn’t exaggerating. (NOTE: Ceci started out as a client of CPC, but after only a few lessons became fast friends with Suzi.)"

"Suzi, bless her, would counsel my husband and I over the phone. She emailed us relevant parts of her program manual and that’s when we realized we were going about this all wrong. We didn’t truly understand 'dog psychology' and the mind of a pack animal. Siggie is not a human with complex thought and emotions; he is a canine with specific traits inherent to his survival as a pack animal. To train a canine, you must think like a canine. All the crap I paid to learn in graduate school wasn’t going to help us here, and thus, we started training with Suzi."

“'I train humans, not dogs,' she would say. Yes indeed. So, Ray and I are now very well trained and Siggie is now very well behaved. Just about every day we take out our wonderful pup (yes, he’s still just a wiggly, full of energy puppy), we get compliments on how well behaved he is. I must admit it’s impressive to see him sit, stay, return, fetch, look at us when we call his name, and simply listen to us as 'pack leaders.' Heeling requires no leash, although he wears one just for looks ;-) Siggie’s insecure attachment (shrink talk for separation anxiety) has decreased from a 10 to about a 2 or 3. He is even running for government and has his own Face Book page, LOL - you can visit him there if you search Dr. Sigmund Floyd. Seriously though, he is a beautiful dog who has brought so much happiness and love to our lives. Spending time with him is now fun and playful. I’m just glad we finally get to enjoy him! We owe it to Suzi and her program!"

"Thanks, Suzi, for doing what you do. You’re damn good at it!"

- Heather and Ray and "Dr. Floyd" | November 2011

"We have always believed that our dog, Yoda, is amazing, but we knew she had developed some bad habits. We thought correcting those behavioral issues would take a long time, but, after just two lessons with Suzi at the Canine Psychology Center LLC, those issues, which turned out to have been ours, have been corrected. Suzi is patient, but firm and has not really taught Yoda much. What she has done is to teach us to become true “pack leaders” and to know, finally, how to let Yoda be the dog she always wanted to be. Yoda has learned to respond to commands and to pay attention only to us, and she is well on her way to being Yoda. We, by the way, are well on our way to being the best parents a dog can have. And, we owe our new and better relationship to Suzi. We have tried other “trainers”, but no one holds a “leash” to Suzi."

"Yoda is 6 and is living proof that an older dog can learn new 'tricks' and we are also living proof that we are never too old to change our behavior. We only wish that we had met Suzi and known about her Canine Psychology Center LLC when Yoda was a puppy and we were just pups ourselves…well, at least younger. But, better late than never."


- David, Mady and 'Yoda' | March 2010

"Hi Suzi!! I just wanted to give you an incredible update on our boy, Gunnar. A few weeks ago I had an episode while my husband Casey was busy and, thanks to you and your training techniques, I was able to get Gunnar to tell Casey I was having a problem and I was able to keep Gunnar and I calm (which is incredible considering I was on the floor immobilized and only partially able to speak)."

"Not only that, but Gunnar actually stayed calm when the paramedics were in our home! And then today, while doing some outdoor chores, Gunnar 'spoke' to tell me there were 'intruders' and then pointed them to me in perfect form. I truly cannot thank you enough for helping me with my 'problem child' and even if he isn't perfect...he did save my life and stayed completely calm about it!"

- Shannon Hawkins | November 2014

"Sophie is doing so great! I cannot believe how quickly she is picking up what I want her to do! These techniques really work!"

- Jennifer Mrachek | August 2015
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